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Écoutez/Achetez Memento Mori de Depeche Mode dès à présent :

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   Écoutez/Achetez Memento Mori de Depeche Mode dès à présent :

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  • Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth

      Ecriture : Ron Mael
      Interprétation : Martin L. Gore

    When she's on her best behaiviour

    Don't be tempted by her favours

    Never turn your back on mother earth

    Towns are hurled from A to B

    By hands that looked so smooth to me

    Never turn your back on mother earth

    Grasp at straws that don't want grasping

    Gaze at clouds that come down crashing

    Never turn your back on mother earth

    Three days and two nights away from my friends

    Amen to anything that brings a quick return

    To my friends

    To my friends

    Never turn your back on mother earth

    I'll admit I was unfaithful

    But from now I'll be more faithful

    Never turn your back on mother

    Never turn your back on mother

    Never turn your back on mother earth

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