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Écoutez/Achetez Memento Mori de Depeche Mode dès à présent :

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   Écoutez/Achetez Memento Mori de Depeche Mode dès à présent :

  • Certaines traductions manquent, mais vous pouvez participer aux traductions.
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  • Now This Is Fun

      Ecriture : Martin L. Gore
      Interprétation : Dave Gahan
      Singles : See You

    Here speaks the voice of reason

    It's talking to me

    Loud and clearly

    And obviously

    It's something to say

    Here comes another sentence

    It is relentless

    It tries my patience

    But nevertheless

    It's for our concern

    We can't see the benefits

    So we'll ignore it

    Or disobey it

    And then we'll say that

    This is fun

    This is real fun

    This is fun

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