davegahanette54 Posted June 14, 2012 Share Posted June 14, 2012 comme c'est en allemand j'vais essayer de me le traduire cet article.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JEZEBEL Posted June 14, 2012 Author Share Posted June 14, 2012 comme c'est en allemand j'vais essayer de me le traduire cet article.... Fais nous en profiter, quand tu auras fini 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JEZEBEL Posted June 19, 2012 Author Share Posted June 19, 2012 Magazine Bizz, version portugaise 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
davegahanette54 Posted June 19, 2012 Share Posted June 19, 2012 cette couverture représente a elle toute seule tout le style musical des années 80...quelle bonne époque... 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marie Posted June 19, 2012 Share Posted June 19, 2012 Il est trop mignon Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JEZEBEL Posted June 20, 2012 Author Share Posted June 20, 2012 cette couverture représente a elle toute seule tout le style musical des années 80...quelle bonne époque... J'aime bien chercher les couv' de cette époque même si plus galère à trouver ! Août 1985 - One Two Testing Magazine Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JEZEBEL Posted June 22, 2012 Author Share Posted June 22, 2012 juillet 2003 - Ultramix - Magazine Tchèque 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JEZEBEL Posted June 24, 2012 Author Share Posted June 24, 2012 (edited) Quelques couv' de différents pays, sorties suite à l'album " Sounds of the universe " et la tournée qui a suivi . Malheureusement, très peu de diversité concernant les photos utilisées ( les photos promotionnelles sont toujours les mêmes ) Magazine Ukrainien de 2009 Avril 2009 - Magazine italien : Rockstar Avril 2009 - Magazine russe : Billboard Avril 2009 - Magazine allemand - Visions Edited June 24, 2012 by JEZEBEL 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PersonalMode Posted June 25, 2012 Share Posted June 25, 2012 C'est parti pour ajouter vos magazines dans la nouvelle base de données http://www.depeche-mode.be/magazines.html 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Puppet Posted June 26, 2012 Share Posted June 26, 2012 Je suis d'accord Jezebel: il y a peu de diversité au niveau des photos malheureusement Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PersonalMode Posted June 26, 2012 Share Posted June 26, 2012 Nous avons déjà répertorié 46 magazines jusqu'à présent dans la nouvelle section. N'hésitez pas à y participer. Pas d'erreurs possibles pour votre ajout, les membres du staff veille au grain et devront valider vos ajouts (après corrections éventuelles) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PersonalMode Posted July 22, 2012 Share Posted July 22, 2012 On a déjà réuni plus de 220 magazines ! Surtout grâce à @JEZEBEL 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Puppet Posted July 30, 2012 Share Posted July 30, 2012 Merci Jezebel!! 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
davegahanette54 Posted July 30, 2012 Share Posted July 30, 2012 mille millions de bravos Jezebel...... :1st: :1st: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JEZEBEL Posted July 30, 2012 Author Share Posted July 30, 2012 (edited) :blush: Merci beaucoup les filles mais je ne suis pas toute seule ! Et puis, il en reste encore à en trouver ! Merci à Pem qui vient à la rescousse quand je suis bloquée pour publier certaines couv' ! Edited July 30, 2012 by JEZEBEL 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Angelinda Posted August 3, 2012 Share Posted August 3, 2012 Hello, I just registered on this forum, because I would like to say that I'm a little bit dissapointed with this forum, and one forummember in particular. I am an assistant for the Depeche Mode Television Archives and my job for that project is to gather as many scans about/with DM as possible, and to put them on our forum: http://www.dmtvarchives.com/forum . I've gathered these scans within the last 2 years, meaning that I had to visit about 25 forums and many other fansites. I fully realise that 90% of the scans that I have gathered are from other sites and forummembers from other forums, but I tried to credit them as much as possible. But some of the scans are scans that I scanned myself or by other forummembers of our forum. And now I see that within a couple of weeks, one forummember called Jezebel managed to upload pretty much all of the scans/covers from our forum on this site. There is only one legible article (uploaded by another forummember) that is not taken from our forum but comes from that person himself. To be honest, I feel bummed by this because I think it would have showed some integrity to me and the other scanners if the DMTVArchives forum had been credited at least once in the process. One of the articles (Trax, 2011) was scanned by Little81, an active forummember on this forum, and you did not even credit her, even though her username was credited at the exact place where you found those scans. I would just have liked it if our forum was mentioned at least once in this thread or in the Magazine gallery section, because it really, really, took at lot of time for me and many others to gather all of this, and not just the scans, but the information regarding publication dates too. Another reason why I'm bummed by this is because I'm planning to creating a separate site for these scans and now you basically rendered my plan useless. I'm not angry for people spreading the scans, I fully knew that that would happen, but I expected people to tell each other where they found those scans. I'm just asking for some integrity. I hope you will understand. Bye, Linda (Angelinda) P.S. Sorry, but my French is not good enough to post this in French, hopefully Google Translate will translate it correctly if you do not understand English well enough. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JEZEBEL Posted August 3, 2012 Author Share Posted August 3, 2012 (edited) Linda, Je n'ai malheureusement pas beaucoup de temps devant moi, mais à la lecture de votre post, je me dois d'y répondre. J'ai ouvert ce sujet sur " les couvertures de magazines" le 4 avril dernier car cela m'intéressait et que je me suis rapidement piquée au jeu. D'ailleurs à ce moment là, je n'avais aucunement connaissance des archives de votre forum, j'ai commencé tout simplement et tout bêtement mes recherches sur Goggle et me suis laissée porter par les différents liens, que je trouvais. J'ai exploité bien d'autres sources bien avant les vôtres, pour certaines, elles aussi très documentées ( j'ai trouvé beaucoup de couvertures russes sur un forum russe ). Bien sûr, de lien en lien, j'ai fini par tomber sur vos archives, qui sont de loin les plus complètes ! Félicitations ! J'avais beaucoup de couvertures seules que j'ai complétées avec les scans de vos articles et c'est vrai aussi que j'ai récupéré pas mal de couvertures sur votre site. Certes, mais de là, à dire que tout vient de votre forum et bien voyons ! A vous lire, j'ai l'impression d'avoir pillé une oeuvre artistique ou littéraire ! Un peu fort, quand même ! Il ne s'agit que de simples couvertures de magazines, pas d'espionnage industriel ! Je n'ai qu'un seul regret d'avoir supprimé les liens de mon ordinateur, au fur et à mesure, que je postais, mais c'est vrai que je ne m'attendais pas à ça. Je suis désolée, si j'ai pu blesser, ce n'était pas mon intention, loin de là et ça ne m'aurait posé aucun problème de préciser mes sources, si je l'avais su ( je ne suis pas une habituée des forums et de ses codes ). De toute façon, quel intérêt , une couverture scannée d'un site, provient sûrement elle-même d'un autre site ( vous- même avez alimenté votre site, comme ça ). Le principal est que chaque membre de chaque forum, puisse avoir accès à une documentation la plus complète possible sur le groupe car on partage avant tout la même passion. Tout le monde n'ira pas sur votre site pour visualiser vos archives ( très complètes,certes mais fastidieuses) d'autant plus,qu'il s'agit d'un site en anglais et tout le monde ne peut pas se permettre ou tout simplement n'a pas l'envie de chercher à droite à gauche, d'où l'utilité des forums, qui sont avant tout des sites de partage et de convivialité. Devant une telle réaction, je ne saurai plus si, à l'avenir, je peux poster telle vidéo, photo ou article... Je suis assez perplexe quant aux 2 ans qu'il vous a fallu pour visiter 25 forums; en 4 mois, j'avais déjà vu l'essentiel ! Avant que d'autres me tombent dessus, je tiens à remercier ( car si, j'ai bien tout suivi, tout ceci n'est qu'une histoire de reconnaissance, comme quoi, certains ne savent pas faire les choses gratuitement dans la vie ! ) : - Linda, of course - Google - Price Minister - E-bay - Les sites des magazines concernés qui ont des archives - Les différents forums et blogs sur DM français et étrangers Je mets les maigres liens qu'ils me restent mais rien qu'avec ça, on a déjà pas mal de couvertures ( comme quoi tout ne vient pas d'un seul et unique site ) http://dmwrongside.b...label/MAGAZINES 28 magazines, rien que pour ce site http://issuu.com/sea...?q=depeche mode plusieurs couvertures ici avec articles, pour ceux qui auront le courage de remonter les 100 pages http://jesspain.mult...evistas#photo=3 10 couvertures ici http://www.beatchapt...mode-7148-p.asp http://tiptopwebsite...odefile&page=20 site très intéressant,illustré entre autres, avec des couvertures de magazines http://www.elmode.co...ticias2005.html forum argentin Je tiens avant tout à m'excuser auprès de Pem pour cet incident et de l'embarras qu'il a pu causer, si j'avais su, je me serai abstenue ! P.S : Il y a certaines couvertures ici que je n'ai pas retrouvées dans vos archives ( sauf si je suis passée à côté ) et ça m'est totalement égal de savoir qui les reprendra, de toute façon, elles seront visualisées par des fans de DM et c'est l'essentiel. J'espère avoir été assez claire car moi qui ne voulais pas y passer trop de temps, c'est râté ! Edited August 3, 2012 by JEZEBEL 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JEZEBEL Posted August 3, 2012 Author Share Posted August 3, 2012 ça sera mon dernier post sur ce sujet car ça m'enquiquine de devoir faire le boulot en sens inverse ! Je ne mettrai en lien que ce site marchant ( bien renseigné ),à titre d'exemple, juste pour montrer que ce n'est pas si difficile que ça de regrouper rapidement des couvertures de magazines. Quand la photo était trop petite pour être exploitée, il suffisait juste de croiser les renseignements pour la retrouver sur un autre site. http://eil.com/shop/moreinfo.asp?catalogid=418753 http://eil.com/shop/moreinfo.asp?catalogid=198922 http://eil.com/shop/moreinfo.asp?catalogid=394327 http://eil.com/shop/moreinfo.asp?catalogid=378799 http://eil.com/shop/moreinfo.asp?catalogid=410524 http://eil.com/shop/moreinfo.asp?catalogid=279768 http://eil.com/shop/moreinfo.asp?catalogid=540190 http://eil.com/shop/moreinfo.asp?catalogid=5828 http://eil.com/shop/moreinfo.asp?catalogid=5886 http://eil.com/shop/moreinfo.asp?catalogid=419677 je n'ai pas eu le courage de remonter la centaine de pages, j'ai perdu assez de temps. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Angelinda Posted August 3, 2012 Share Posted August 3, 2012 Hi Jezebel, I'm glad you acknowledge it and I appreciate your honesty and defense. Yes, I'm fully aware that the DMTVA forum was not the only site you visited in search of scans. And even if it was the only site that you took the scans from, I would not be able to claim all rights since I took these scans from many, many other sites. I can never take the credit for all of this, and needless to say I don't own any copyrights whatsoever, so I'm not claiming to be innocent in this, my motives for gathering scans is the same as yours. And like you said, it's not as if these are secret documents, so I fully understand that such scans are spread to other sites by many other people, which often makes the true original source invisible. Last night, I happened to come across a newly uploaded scan in your Magazine gallery, and I saw that you had uploaded all of these scans within a matter of weeks on this site. Then I visited this forum, and I indeed saw that you had opened this thread back in April. I had indeed realised then that starting from April, you started searching for magazine covers and scans, and in those months afterwards you then came across the DMTVA forum. So I fully understand that you also looked at many other sites, but the magazine gallery on the site looks a bit different from this thread. Yes, I know that there are many magazine covers in the magazine gallery that I do not have, but that is because we (the DMTVA forum) are not interested in just the magazine covers, we are interested in news items, so we need to have the actual article in the magazine issue as well. We don't upload magazine covers if we do not have the article that is in that magazine. So the only magazine article in the Magazine gallery not 'taken' from the DMTVA forum that is big enough to read is one Belgian article from 2005 uploaded by another forummember of this forum. All the other images in the magazine gallery are indeed just magazine covers, or articles which are too small to read. But in this thread I do indeed see that you also share many other magazine covers from many other sites and I don't blame you for it since I have done the exact same thing. My main motivation for posting my first message is the fact that I recently finished working on this project, and now I would like other people to know about our forum. So I have been telling people about the DMTVA forum, but we still do not get a lot of attention. I do see that some people who have found our forum are posting some scans elsewhere, but usually it's just a few scans. So when I saw that scans had been posted on this site in such a massive scale, it hurt me that the link "DMTVArchives.com/forum" was not mentioned once. I would have liked it if the link DMTVArchives.com/forum was mentioned at least once in this 16-page thread. I am certainly not asking to mention this link with every scan or every article, but it would have been nice if it was mentioned even once. It would help to establish a more well-known reputation for our forum. I don't mind if you upload more scans onto this site, and I certainly do not want to inhibit you from it. Like you said, we all have the same passion, and that is to share photos, videos, and articles with one another, so I fully understand it. Please don't stop because of me. I do not know who Pem is but I'm assuming he's the administrator of this site and I would like to apologise too for any upheaval, I have no hard feelings towards this site. The only reason why I posted my first message on here was because I wanted to have the name "DMTVArchives forum" mentioned at least once. One last remark in my defense: The reason why it took me close to 2 years to work on the DMTVA forum was because I was not only looking for magazine covers and scans or articles and interviews, but I was also looking for any other news items: radio news items, internet-only video news items, TV items, text-only articles, text-only interviews. So I had to go through almost each thread on every DM forum that exists, and see if anyone ever mentioned something like "Today there was a radio interview with Fletch on Radio X". In another part of the forum I have made several lists in which we gather information about all the TV reports, video interviews, Internet video reports, radio interviews, radio specials ever done. So I have gathered over 9000 news items, and about 20% of those are scans of magazines/newspapers. I could not have done that in 4 months, even though I worked on it evey day. But this is all I have to say, I no longer have any hard feelings towards you Jezebel and if you ask me, we peacefully ended this conversation. I will log on tomorrow to see if you have some last remarks, but I hope you will agree when I say that we should not continue this conversation endlessly. Sorry people, but I only know highschool French and it's really too limited to post this in French. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JEZEBEL Posted August 4, 2012 Author Share Posted August 4, 2012 Linda, Ravie d'apprendre que vous n'avez aucune rancune envers moi et aucun problème pour mettre fin pacifiquement à cette conversation. Je n'ai jamais été en guerre, j'ai juste répondu à un message que vous m'aviez adressé. Je comprends votre volonté de faire connaître votre site, même si je suis plus attachée à l'ambiance et la sympathie des membres qu'à la popularité d'un site. En tous cas, ici, je pense que vous êtes connus maintenant. Pour répondre à votre question, oui, Pem est l'administrateur de ce site. Bon courage dans vos recherches qui sont plus larges, que celles traitées ici, dans la section magazine Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PersonalMode Posted August 4, 2012 Share Posted August 4, 2012 Hi Angelinda If you want to establish a more well-known reputation for your forum (that everybody already know here ), you can add your website here and make publicity here For our magazine section, on depeche-mode.be, we would like to reference as much as possible of magazines who talk about Depeche Mode. Articles from the magazines are bonus, that's why all of the magazines doesn't have articles, or have articles too little to read... It's not our priority. And yes, I'm the administrator. And yes, I scan this magazine (and I think I'm the one in the world that still has this magazine ) I know that @JEZEBEL didn't take magazines (only) from DMTVarchives, because she asked my help for some scans Some other exemple : http://issuu.com/sup...s/docs/numero60 http://issuu.com/esseacca/docs/0709 http://issuu.com/jzarto/docs/soon http://issuu.com/rev...vista_marvin_70 http://issuu.com/luc...magazine_giugno If you need some other information, you can also contact me here or here Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Angelinda Posted August 5, 2012 Share Posted August 5, 2012 Hi, I'm glad we got this sorted. Yes, luckily our priorities when it comes to gathering scans are a little bit different, so there is not too much overlap. As for the DMTVA forum, I think most people already know the DMTVArchives project (making HQ TV recordings DVDs), so there would not be much use to just put the dmtvarchives.com link in the "liens" section, but I would be interested in writing something in the Publicité section. However, since my French is really poor I shall ask our administrator Bongmute (who is also Belgian francophone) if he's interested and willing to help me writing it. I'm quite familiar with issuu.com but the search function on that site is really bad and Google does not index issuu.com very well either, so I had no idea that that Sassari & Hinterland article was available on that site, even though I was looking for it for months! So, many thanks to you for showing me that article. Bye, Linda Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yann The Revelator Posted December 15, 2012 Share Posted December 15, 2012 Depeche Mode dans le nouveau Rock & Folk, une photo pleine page prise à Paris et une itw de Martin et Fletch sur 3 pages 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PersonalMode Posted December 15, 2012 Share Posted December 15, 2012 Interessant ! Qui l'a acheté ? Que l'on puisse le scanner et l'ajouter dans la partie magazine 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yann The Revelator Posted December 15, 2012 Share Posted December 15, 2012 Interessant ! Qui l'a acheté ? Que l'on puisse le scanner et l'ajouter dans la partie magazine et on le partage avec DMTVArchives ?? 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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