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Écoutez/Achetez Memento Mori de Depeche Mode dès à présent : https://lnkfi.re/DM2023

Début de la tournée européenne dans :

   Écoutez/Achetez Memento Mori de Depeche Mode dès à présent : https://lnkfi.re/DM2023

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  • More Than A Party

    Lots of surprises in store

    This isn't a party

    It's a whole lot more

    We've had enough of this blind man's bluff

    You've kept us in the dark for long enough

    This is more than a party

    More than a party

    More than a party

    Keep telling us we're to have fun

    Then take all the ice cream so we've got none

    The failed magician waves his wand

    And in an instant the laughter's gone

    Loads of surprises in store

    This isn't a party

    It's a whole lot more

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