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Écoutez/Achetez Memento Mori de Depeche Mode dès à présent : https://lnkfi.re/DM2023

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   Écoutez/Achetez Memento Mori de Depeche Mode dès à présent : https://lnkfi.re/DM2023

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  • My Secret Garden

    My secret garden's not so secret anymore

    Run from the house holding my head in my hands

    Feeling dejected, feeling like a child might feel

    It all seems so absurd

    That this should have occurred

    My very only secret

    And I had to go and leak it!

    My secret garden's not so secret anymore!

    No, my secret garden's not so secret anymore!

    Run through the fields, down to the edge of the water

    Can't stay long, here comes the reason why -

    She'll catch me if she can,

    Take me by the hand

    I'll have to keep on running

    And I just can't see the fun in

    My secret garden not being secret anymore!

    It used to be so easy

    On days such as these she'd

    Search and search for hours

    In among the flowers

    I loved it! - I loved her!

    Play the fool, act so cruel - I loved it!

    Read her book, take a look - I loved her!

    It all seems so absurd

    That this should have occurred

    My very only secret

    And I had to go and leak it!

    My secret garden's not so secret anymore!

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