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Écoutez/Achetez Memento Mori de Depeche Mode dès à présent : https://lnkfi.re/DM2023

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   Écoutez/Achetez Memento Mori de Depeche Mode dès à présent : https://lnkfi.re/DM2023

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  • Nodisco

      Writer : Vince Clarke
      Interpretation : Dave Gahan
      Albums : Speak And Spell

    I saw you in the picture

    I saw you play the part

    This ain't nodisco

    There's a thousand watts in you

    You take this too far

    This ain't nodisco

    Sometimes when I wonder if you're taking a chance

    This ain't nodisco

    And you know how to dance

    Move me disco

    Baby don't you let go

    This ain't nodisco

    Part one

    Act one

    Everyone pretend

    This ain't nodisco

    This is more a story

    And we're reaching the end

    This ain't nodisco

    Always makes me happy when you're taking a chance

    This ain't nodisco

    And you know how to dance

    Move me disco

    Baby don't you let go

    This ain't nodisco

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